Come nuovo utente, la configurazione del tuo account è semplice. Ti basterà creare un account con il tuo indirizzo email di lavoro, impostare una password e scaricare l'app desktop Dropbox.
As an existing user, you just need to log in and then decide what to do with the existing files in your Dropbox account. You can either keep them in the account you already have, or move them into a new personal Dropbox account that your organization won’t have access to. If you choose to move them, you’ll need to use a different email address for your new personal Dropbox account and create a password for that account.
Heads-up: If you’re using your work email for Dropbox and your team’s admin has certain settings in place, you may get a web or desktop notification asking you to choose if you want to move your files. Your account will pause syncing until you make that choice.
Dropbox offre diversi modi per accedere comodamente ai tuoi file: l’app per dispositivi mobili Dropbox, la cartella Dropbox sul tuo computer e il sito web di Dropbox. Anche se puoi sempre accedere ai file da qualsiasi dispositivo connesso a Internet tramite, installare e utilizzare le applicazioni sui tuoi dispositivi ti permetterà di ottenere il massimo da Dropbox.
Guarda il nostro tutorial video per saperne di più su come caricare e scaricare file.
Guarda la nostra guida video su come usare Dropbox Backup ed eseguire il backup di file e cartelle in modo sicuro.
The Dropbox mobile app helps you keep projects moving from anywhere, so you can stay focused on what matters. Access work, collaborate with colleagues or friends, and quickly take care of tasks—all from your phone or tablet.
The Dropbox mobile app is free and lets you:
Access your entire Dropbox account on the go
Browse and view files directly from your Dropbox account
Use third-party apps to open and edit files
Take photos and videos using your built-in camera and save them directly to your Dropbox account
Make important files available for offline access—we'll upload any changes once you’re back online
Share your files via links in an email, text messaging, or another app
The Dropbox mobile app is available for Android, iPhone, and iPad.
We like to make things easy. That’s why you can access Dropbox directly from a folder on your hard drive. It runs using File Explorer for Windows or Finder for Mac.
Using Dropbox on your computer is just like using any other folder on your hard drive, except the files you drag into your Dropbox folder automatically sync online and to any other computers or mobile devices linked to your account. It's like having the same folder on all of your computers and mobile devices at the same time.
Dropbox even works when you're offline. The next time you're online, Dropbox will sync changes just where it left off.
Si può sempre fare di meglio. L'app desktop non solo ti permette di visualizzare cartelle e file in un'intuitiva struttura ad albero, ma anche di controllare quando vengono condivisi dalle altre persone, così potrai mantenere il controllo delle versioni, delle notifiche e di molto altro ancora.
Anche se non è necessario, collegare i due account ti consente di accedere a tutti i tuoi contenuti. Puoi facilmente accedere ai tuoi file di lavoro o personali da qualsiasi
dispositivo collegato, senza preoccuparti di disconnetterii e accedere più volte.
Il collegamento di entrambi gli account mantiene privati i tuoi contenuti personali. L'amministratore Dropbox non avrà accesso a tali elementi.
Once your Dropbox team account is set up, connecting a personal Dropbox account doesn’t take too much time. All you have to do is click your avatar (profile picture or initials) in the upper-right corner of the screen, then choose Add personal account. From there, just log in with an existing account or sign up for a brand new personal Dropbox account.
If you’re installing Dropbox on a new computer and you’re a new user, you need to log in to both accounts to link them together. Choose either to log in to your personal or team account to start, then add the other.
If you’re already using a Dropbox account on your computer, you just need to log in to your second Dropbox from the Dropbox icon on your computer.
Se il tuo amministratore ha attivato l'opzione Accesso singolo (Single sign-on, SSO), potrai accedere a Dropbox allo stesso modo in cui accedi ad altre applicazioni di lavoro: inserendo la tua password SSO nella pagina di accesso della tua società.
Quando devi accedere a, digita il tuo indirizzo email e fai clic su Continua. Arriverai alla pagina di accesso della tua azienda dove potrai inserire la tua password SSO di lavoro.
Sul computer, basta accedere a Dropbox una sola volta. Dopo aver effettuato l’accesso con SSO sul desktop, puoi iniziare a usare l’applicazione.
Ora che hai configurato il tuo account di team Dropbox, personalizzalo con impostazioni su misura per te.
Your profile is where you can find your email address, username, and optional profile photo. If you want to change any of that information, log in to, click your avatar (profile picture or initials) in the upper-right corner, and click Settings.
Change your username or profile photo and link a personal account under the General tab. To change your password, click the Security tab.
Dropbox sends you email notifications to let you know what’s changing in your account, which can be really helpful. But sometimes, you just don’t want so many emails in your inbox, which is understandable.
You can review your email notification settings by logging in to Click your avatar (profile picture or initials) in the upper-right corner, click Settings, and click the Notifications tab.
From there, uncheck boxes next to the notifications you don’t want to receive anymore.
We all use different devices for work, and managing those devices with your Dropbox team account can be done in one place.
To connect a device, just download the Dropbox app to that device and log in. Everything will start syncing.
When you unlink a device to your account, files and folders won’t be synced. It’s as if you simply turn off Dropbox for that device.
If you want to unlink a device:
Log in to
Click your avatar (profile picture or initials).
Click Settings.
Click the Security tab.
Your devices are listed under Devices.
Click the trash can icon next to the device you’d like to log out of remotely.
Check the box next to Delete files from [account name] Dropbox the next time this computer comes online if you’d like to remotely delete your files from your device too.
Click Unlink.
Two-step verification is an optional but recommended security feature that your Dropbox admin may have enabled. If your team isn’t using SSO, the admin may enable two-step verification which requires you to enter a six-digit security code along with your password.
Hai delle domande sulla configurazione del tuo account? Probabilmente possiamo risolverlo. Se hai una domanda non elencata qui, visita per trovare ulteriori risposte.
If you're a Dropbox team account member, and you have connected your personal and work Dropbox accounts, the "log in as member" admin feature won’t allow team admins to access your personal account. Only your work account is accessible to admins.
No, non è necessario utilizzare l'app desktop, ma ci sono dei vantaggi! L'app desktop controlla la tua cartella Dropbox e sincronizza tutte le modifiche che fai. Qualsiasi modifica apportata mentre sei offline verrà sincronizzata una volta connesso a Internet.
There’s no need to copy files from one folder to your Dropbox, which would create duplicate copies.
If you have files saved locally, you can work with them in Dropbox, while also keeping them on your local hard drive, by dragging and dropping them into the Dropbox file hierarchy in File Explorer (Windows) or Finder (Mac) instead of copying them.
Your Dropbox folder works like any other folder, so working on files directly from your Dropbox folder allows you to store that file both on your computer and on the Dropbox website without duplicating it. That saves you hard drive space, and you can never have enough hard drive space, right?