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How do I set up admin access for others?

How do I set up admin access for others?

As an admin, you don’t have to go it alone! Setting up admin access for others on your team is simple.

With a little help

We all need a little help sometimes, even admins.

Pick a tier, any tier

Dropbox team accounts have several different admin tiers, each with its own set of capabilities and permissions. Tiered admins are available to Dropbox teams on Business Plus, Advanced, or Enterprise plans. Admins on a Standard team all have the same level of permissions (team admin).

Team admin

User management admin

Support admin

Billing admin

Content admin

Compliance admin

Reporting admin

Security admin

With great power comes great responsibility

As an admin, giving another user admin access can be a great help to you. But before you do that, there are a few things to consider.

Delegate better - With great power comes great responsibility

Delegate better

Granting admin rights to others will make your life easier, but that doesn’t mean you need to give everyone access to everything. In the admin console on the Members page, you can give admin permissions to anyone you choose and pick which type of admin they’ll be.

Giving admin access

Follow the simple steps below to learn how to give admin access to your team.

How to add or change an admin

  1. Log in to with your admin credentials.

  2. Click Admin console.

  3. Click Members.

  4. Click the “” (ellipsis) next to the member you want to make an admin.

  5. Click Make admin.

  6. Select the correct admin permission level in the pop-up window and click Add.

  7. Click Ok.

If a team uses Dropbox Replay, its team admins will automatically be assigned as admins in Replay.

Admins can’t be assigned for Replay alone. To assign a specific team member as a Dropbox Replay admin, they need to be added as a team admin in the admin console.

Learn more about viewing team admins in Replay.

Common questions about setting up additional team admins

Got a question about adding admins? We’ve likely got an answer. If you have a question that’s not listed here, check our help center for more answers.

What if I want to remove or adjust someone’s admin permissions?

Can I customize my own admin tiers or access?

Can another admin remove my own admin access?