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Creare una richiesta di file

Con le richieste di file, Dropbox ti permette di ottenere documenti, foto e altri file da chi vuoi. I file che richiedi vengono aggiunti a una cartella da te specificata. Inoltre, puoi condividere la cartella o chiudere la richiesta in qualsiasi momento. Per saperne di più sulle richieste di file, guarda questo video. Scoprirai anche come chiudere una richiesta di file.

Crea e gestisci richieste di file Dropbox

With Dropbox, you can easily share files, but you can also collect files from others using file requests. To get started, first sign in to and click “Files” on the left side panel. Choose “File requests” and then click “Request files”.

Where you see “What are you requesting,” enter a name for the folder that will store all collected files. Under “Where should these files go in your Dropbox,” that’s where you can set where the files get saved. If you'd like to change the folder's location, click “Change folder” and select the folder you want.

By default, the uploaded files are private. However, you can share the uploaded files by selecting a shared folder as the location or by sharing the folder later. You can also add a deadline. Just click the checkbox and add one in. Then click “Next”.

On the send file request screen, you can copy the file request link and include it in an email by clicking “Copy Link”. Or you can enter emails of the people you need files from, and Dropbox will send an email invite to upload files to the file request for you. Click “Done” to send the invites. Dropbox will email you whenever someone uploads files to your file request.

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