FAQs about ending support for Dropbox Capture

Updated Mar 07, 2025
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The information in this article applies to all Dropbox users, unless otherwise stated.

On March 24, 2025, Dropbox Capture will be discontinued. This change will allow us to focus on building the best collaboration tools for your work within our core Dropbox product.

What’s changing?

You’ll no longer be able to access your Capture desktop app, or Capture from your web browser. This means that you won’t be able to create new screenshots, GIFs, or screen, audio, or video recordings in Capture. You also won’t be able to download the Capture desktop app or refer other people to Capture.

You’ll also lose access to the Capture Collections surface. Any content within your Collections that you own will still be accessible through Dropbox within your “Capture” folder. This won’t impact your storage limits, as previously created Capture content has already been counted towards your storage.  If you have permission to access a Collection but don’t own the files, you won’t be able to see those files once Capture is discontinued.

There’ll also be some minor changes taking place before Capture is fully discontinued. These changes will take place from February 27, 2025:

  • The ability to add new comments and links to captures from Capture will be removed. You’ll still be able to comment through Dropbox previews.
  • Comments on existing captures will be visible when you access your content through Dropbox previews. This migration will also take place for comments on captures stored in collections. If comments don’t appear immediately, they will be visible by the time Capture is discontinued.
  • You won’t be able to edit team or individual Capture collections or create new ones.
  • The Copy embed code option will no longer be available from the Share dropdown for recordings.
  • You won’t be able to make a capture anonymous. If current Capture content is set to anonymous, you’ll have to change your sharing settings to prevent an error when someone attempts to access the content. Links to anonymous captures will no longer work once Capture is discontinued.
    • For seven days following these changes taking place, you’ll be able to change the anonymity setting for all of your capture content from the Preferences page. Turning the toggle to off will remove anonymity from all of your content, and ensure existing Capture links will continue to function. Turning the toggle to on will maintain anonymity, but will stop existing Capture links from working. Dropbox links to the content will continue to function regardless of this setting.
  • Capture links shared in Slack or included in a paper document will no longer unfurl.

What’ll happen to existing capture content?

Your captures are already saved by default in a Dropbox folder named “Capture,” and you won’t lose access to these files. If you’ve changed the default save location for your Captures to another folder, you can still access your captures in that folder.

If you’ve been using Team Collections to share capture content with your team, the shared content will now be saved in the “Capture” folder of its creator. In order to maintain access for your team, you’ll need to move this content to a shared folder.

Links to captures you’ve previously shared will redirect to a Dropbox file link and open as a Dropbox file preview. Any comments on your captures will also be viewable within Dropbox file preview.

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Note: Capture comments made through the quick reactions feature won’t transfer to the Dropbox file preview, and will be lost when Capture is discontinued.

Your Dropbox storage limits won’t be impacted as captures previously created already count towards your storage.


What tools can I use instead?

You can still automatically save screenshots to your Dropbox account.

To use this feature:

  1. Make sure the Dropbox desktop application is installed.
  2. Open your Dropbox desktop app preferences.
  3. Click Backups in the left sidebar.
  4. Check the box next to Share screenshots and screen recordings using Dropbox.

On Windows computers, use the PrtScn key on your keyboard to take a screenshot. On a Mac use the cmd+shift+4 or cmd+shift+3 keyboard shortcuts.

Learn more about saving screenshots to your Dropbox account.

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Note: The screenshot sync feature on won’t work on Windows if you use the Snipping tool, rather than the keyboard shortcut, to take a screenshot

To create audio, camera, and screen recordings use your device’s native features.

With the end of support for Capture, support for Capture collections will also be ending. If you’d like to organize your capture content, you’ll need to add your captures to folders, or tag your Capture content before Capture is discontinued.

Learn more about adding content to folders.

Learn more about tagging your content.

Previews of Capture content will now happen in Dropbox, rather than through Capture. You’ll be able to add comments and remove filler words through this preview, but for advanced collaboration, it’s recommended you use Dropbox Replay.

Viewer notifications and analytics will no longer be available through the Capture app. You can use DocSend for advanced analytics and viewer information.

Learn more about the features of Dropbox DocSend.

Will I be reminded of the change?

If you’re an active user of Capture, you’ll receive an email notifying you of these changes on February 20, 2025.

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